Leg Vein Treatment
Leg Vein Treatment
Spider veins are superficial blood vessels that appear red or blue on the skin surface. They commonly occur on the legs, but may also be on the face or other areas of the body. Spider veins can occur in a small area where they are not noticeable, or they can cover a large area of skin and be very unattractive.
If bothersome, spider veins can be treated with our Nd-YAG or KTP lasers or by injection of a special solution that can destroy them. They disappear or become much smaller. There is about an 80 – 90 percent chance for a greatly improved appearance. The number of necessary treatments depends on the severity of your condition and the results you hope to achieve.
Dr. Sterling will advise you on which type of treatment is best for you during your private consultation. Call the office to schedule an appointment at 732-449-3005. As always, Dr. Sterling’s experience and skilled injection technique will help you get your best results.